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Lester Davids
Analyst: Unum Capital
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Resource Centre: Price Cycle - The Yellow Line is an example which illustrates how a share price can develop over time, moving between the various short term technical ratings.

Wednesday 27 March 2024, 06h30 | Technical Rating Summary: Mid & Large Caps, as of yesterday's close. Use this table to view which phase a share is in at the last close.
To Access All 90 Shares, Including Firstrand, BID Corp, Old Mutual and Woorlworths, Click On The Following Link:
Wednesday 27 March 2024, 06h30 | Candlestick Formations (Buyer/Seller Dominance) form part of technical price charts, which are are used by market participants to interpret current demand-supply dynamics, potential price trends as well as form decisions from these inferences. The tables below highlight the following: (1) The share code (2) the candle's 'change from open’ (over 1 session) i.e. from the start of the first hour of the trading day to the end of the last hour of the trading day'. This is used to determine the strength/weakness of the candle formation i.e. the greater (+) the percentage, the stronger the candle formation and the weaker (-) the percentage, the weaker the candle formation and (3) the share's short term technical rating i.e. which phase the share is in over a 7 day period.
Top 15 (Strongest)
Bottom 15 (Weakest)
Lester Davids
Analyst: Unum Capital
3 Trading Tips

Resource Centre
Top Trading Tips: (1) Let The Candle Confirm (Click Here To Read) (2) Failure & Reclaim (Click here To Read) (3) Igniting Bar (Click Here To Read)
Resource Centre (1) Standard Deviation Chartbook Introduction (Click Here) (2) Standard Deviation: Range of Outcomes & Traders Potential Action (Click Here) (3) Optimal Conditions For Bullish & Bearish Trading Setups (Click Here) (4) Core Trading Principles (5) Core Macro Principles
Systematic Insights: Timely Trading Signals Via The Tactical Trading Guide: MTN, MNP, TBS, SBK, DSY, TKG, MTM, HAR, GFI, IMP (Click Here)