Investing in Chinese equities comes with a higher level of risk.
On this basis, a smaller-than-average allocation should be considered within a larger diversified portfolio. To gain exposure, the Xtrackers Harvest CSI 300 China A-Shares ETF could be considered.

Technical Takeaway
The initial price surge, followed by a consolidation.
This has resulted in the development of a pennant formation where the price is looking to re-ignite it's upward price momentum.

To trade global instruments, you will need an offshore account. To get started, contact the Unum Capital Trading Desk: E-mail: tradingdesk@unum.co.za | Call: 011 384 2923
Lester Davids
Analyst: Unum Capital
Noted Added: Friday 06 December 2024 at 10h16 (South African Time)